Beyond the Office: A Wild Day Volunteering as a Parent Leader at Belfast Zoo

In this post, we’re shining a spotlight on Emma Quinn, our Stakeholder Communications Executive, who used her annual paid volunteering day for a truly wild experience!

Instead of choosing a traditional volunteering day at a charitable organisation, Emma became a parent leader for her son’s school trip to Belfast Zoo. With a whopping sixty children to look after, it was certainly a day of excitement, learning, and – as Emma put it – an exercise in controlled chaos.

But for Emma, the day was far more than managing a group of excitable youngsters. It was a chance to support her local community and create a day of lasting memories with her son and his classmates, all while enjoying the wonders Belfast Zoo had to offer.

“The chance to be a part of my son’s school trip and witness his excitement firsthand was so special,” Emma comments. “Seeing the children learn about the different animals and their habitats was really rewarding. It was a fantastic way to contribute to their educational experience outside the classroom.”

Belfast Zoo, with its impressive collection of species and commitment to conservation, proved to be the perfect space for learning and discovery. Emma, alongside other parent volunteers, helped guide the group through numerous animal enclosures, encouraging their curiosity and appreciation for the natural world.

“It wasn’t always easy wrangling sixty kids,” Emma laughs, “but the positive impact on the children made it all worthwhile. Volunteering allows you to step outside your daily routine and make a real difference in the lives of others. It’s a fantastic way to boost your mood and overall wellbeing too. And as we were blessed with sunny weather, that helped put us all in good spirits!”

The positive impact on the children made it all worthwhile. Volunteering allows you to step outside your daily routine and make a real difference in the lives of others.

Emma’s experience is a perfect example of the positive impact of volunteering. It doesn’t always have to be a formal commitment; even a day spent supporting a school event can make a real difference.

What’s more, schools across the UK are struggling to find the help they need. Even by giving up a single day, as Emma did, can make a big difference to educational institutions trying their best to expand their students’ horizons and provide them with new, exciting avenues for learning. Remember, Idox is all about supporting local communities. Your paid volunteering day can be taken to assist a charity, but it can also be a chance to give back to other institutions near you.

Feeling inspired by Emma’s story? We encourage all our colleagues to explore opportunities to use their paid volunteering day! Whether it’s supporting a local school, assisting at a community event, or lending a hand to a charity close to your heart, even a small amount of time can have a lasting impact.

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