Idox is a leading developer of specialist software
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Financial highlights
Highlights for the year ended 31 October 2024
(2023: £73.3m)
Operating profit
(2023: £9.3m)
Adjusted EBITDA
(2023: £24.5m)
Adjusted EBITDA margin
(2023: 33%)
Idox develops specialist software for government and industry, with an established track record serving tightly regulated markets including local authorities, health, engineering, transport and property. Built around the needs of the user and designed in collaboration with experts, our software delivers exceptional functionality and reliability to critical operations and embeds workflows that drive efficiency and best practice.
Conducting business responsibly is core to Idox’s business model and long-term strategic goals. We adopt a structured approach to ESG issues that supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals to maintain relevance and resilience in the long-term.
The latest news
East Staffordshire Borough Council takes Licensing into the Cloud with Idox
East Staffordshire Borough Council takes Licensing into the Cloud with Idox
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GrantFinder releases key insights from The Gathering 2025