Rule 26 Articles & Policies

Read our article and policy documents

Investors / Articles & Policies

Articles and Documents

Idox plc (“the Company”) was incorporated on 26 April 2000 with the name i-documentsystems plc. On 18 October 2000, the Company changed its name to Chartbuild plc, then again on 14 November 2000 to i-documentsystems group plc, and finally on 10 September 2004 to Idox plc.

Articles of Association, Published 26 February 2016

Memorandum of Association, Published 26 April 2000


Notice and Takedown Policy

International Business Conduct Policy

Idox group makes every effort to ensure that content appearing on Idox group websites does not infringe any person’s rights, or UK laws.

Rule 26
Information last updated: 2 October 2023