Celebrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

This month we’re celebrating GIS by spreading awareness of our recently acquired geospatial capabilities.

From variations in landscape to changes in climate and covering areas as varied as crime, health, and pollution, GIS can help visualise trends that affect us all and help us adapt to our ever-changing world.

By uncovering patterns and relationships, GIS supports almost every field of activity to gain deeper insight into data, solve complex problems and make smarter decisions.

During GIS Day and the FOSS4G UK Local Conference, we’ll be demonstrating how our geospatial expertise, data, products and services help customers share, analyse and visualise their geographic data.

Our range of geospatial capabilities brings teams together, automates tasks, and enables better ways of working. The value we create for our customers supports improved efficiency by reducing operational costs, providing greater accuracy, and enabling faster service delivery. Location is key to enabling this transformation, and we are proud to offer an impressive suite of geospatial products, services, and solutions to complement our broader portfolio of software.

Learn how our geospatial solutions have enabled customers to better serve their communities and drive efficiency

Beach Deckchairs

Adur District and Worthing Borough Councils

Using UPRNs and USRNs to link data to specific locations, and connect numerous datasets across the organisation, the Councils can better identify needs within their communities and offer solutions to help resolve them.

Savills surveying land


Savills worked with Idox to develop an innovative digital platform that helps multiple stakeholders work collaboratively and efficiently on land assembly projects, saving time and enhancing the experience for users while increasing their competitive advantage.

ABEI Energy Solar and Wind Farm

ABEI Energy

Idox’s newest GIS acquisition, LandHawk, customised its geospatially enabled site identification and viability assessment platform to help ABEI Energy quickly find and assess potential development sites for power production.

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Learn about Idox’s geospatial capabilities and applications across industries

Idox at FOSS4G UK

Learn about open-source geospatial software and open data