Multiple teams, one goal
Keep everyone in the picture
More time making a difference
Education Health and Care Hub
How does the EHC Hub work?
EHC Hub is a digital portal that transforms communication so families, educational settings and professionals can collaborate on assessments, plans and reviews.
It provides an automated workflow to manage EHC plans and processes, creating efficiencies, improving productivity and saving time.
Key Benefits of EHC Portals
A secure platform for all stakeholders to collaborate on EHC assessments, plans and reviews and to work remotely.
Promotes transparency and best practice
Improves communication with contextual information at every stage, setting expectations of what will happen next.
Centres on the child/young person
Multimedia areas for children, young people and their families to express their aspirations, putting their voice at the centre of the process.
Supports statutory timelines
Automated task reminders and notifications when updates are made help meet statutory timeframes and requesting advice from partner agencies.
Significant time and cost savings
Local authorities and their partner agencies have more time to make a difference and focus on better outcomes for children.
“I do really like this system and think it is a massive step forward in general.”
“The EHC Hub has been invaluable during the pandemic and has allowed the SEND Service, parents/carers, educational establishments and partners from across education, health and care to continue to be able to conduct EHC needs assessments and annual reviews whilst working remotely.”
“It was much easier to read the request for assessment information”
Aktualności, studia przypadków i statystyki
Highlights and Insights at the EHC Hub Customer Forum
Highlights and Insights at the EHC Hub Customer Forum
Reading Borough Council
Reading Borough Council
SEND reforms: the power of digitisation
SEND reforms: the power of digitisation