
Social Care Directory Platforms

Supporting local authorities in providing quality, locally curated information, advice and guidance to communities

Supporting local authorities in providing quality,
locally curated information, advice and guidance to communities

Multiple teams, one goal

Keep everyone in the picture

More time making a difference

Information for those who need it most

Our Directory Platform is a mature platform that local authorities across England have been using for over 15 years to provide high quality local information, advice and guidance that supports young people, adults, families and carers to find the information and support they need, when they need it

Directory Platforms

FIS Management Services

Engaging, one-stop websites for families to search for childcare, services and activities in their local areas.

Adult Social Care and Community Directory

A clear and comprehensive directory of local services to support a wide variety of care and support needs of adults living in the community.

SEND Local Offer

Information, support services and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Key benefits of Social Care & SEND Directory Platforms

Request a demo

Arrange a tailored demonstration and experience how our SEND Directory can provide high-quality local information, advice, and guidance to support citizens.

Already an Idox customer?

If you’re a valued social care customer and require assistance or further information, please get in touch. Your dedicated Account Manager will respond to your inquiry soon.

Related solutions

A specialist cloud platform for families, professionals and education settings to engage, contribute and collaborate on EHC assessments, plans and reviews.

Dedicated websites for your Local Offer, focused on mobile users, accessibility and integration with social media to improve services for citizens.

A secure collaboration tool to support a digital and transparent “Team around the Family” approach to the Early Help pathway.

We are trusted by local authorities across the UK

“The ease-of-use is excellent and it does exactly what we need it to – it’s simple on the backend but can be easily searched from the frontend.”

Chris Morris , SEND Manager, Bedford Borough Council

“High quality, reliable information about childcare is so important to families, and our refreshed Childcare Finder will be a vital asset in helping families to be able to find that information through their local Family Information Service.”

Megan Jarvie, Head of Coram Family and Childcare
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