SEND Local Offer2025-03-26T14:38:11+00:00

SEND Local Offer

Information, support services and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Information, support services and activities
for children and young people with special educational
needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

Supports statutory duty

Brings existing information together

Offers a vital resource

SEND Local Offer Solutions

The Children and Families Act (2014) places a statutory duty on local authorities to publish a Local Offer website – a guide to all the services in their area for children and young people (aged 0-25) with SEND. This online resource offers information about the services available to families, children and young people within the local area. Developed in consultation with parents, professionals and young people themselves, the website is a vital resource offered by Family Information Service teams across the country.

Many of the SEND-related service providers required for the Local Offer –early years, schools, support and community groups – will already exist in the council’s directory. Our solution can seamlessly populate a specific Local Offer website, leveraging existing information to drive efficient information management and provide a simple, consistent and intuitive message for children, young people and their families.

Key benefits of SEND Local Offer solutions

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Arrange a tailored demonstration and experience how our Local Offer solution can create a seamless online guide to local services, information, and resources for children and families.

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A specialist cloud platform for families, professionals and education settings to engage, contribute and collaborate on EHC assessments, plans and reviews.

Our innovative information hubs and websites, enable efficient and easy access to quality, locally curated information.

A secure collaboration tool to support a digital and transparent “Team around the Family” approach to the Early Help pathway.

We are trusted by local authorities across the UK

“I do really like this system and think it is a massive step forward in general.”

SENCO in Southend

“The EHC Hub has been invaluable during the pandemic and has allowed the SEND Service, parents/carers, educational establishments and partners from across education, health and care to continue to be able to conduct EHC needs assessments and annual reviews whilst working remotely.”

Sandy Lisle, Service Manager SEND Assessment and Planning Wolverhampton City Council

“It was much easier to read the request for assessment information”

Southend EHC multi-agency panel
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