SEND Local Offer
Information, support services and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Information, support services and activities
for children and young people with special educational
needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Supports statutory duty
Brings existing information together
Offers a vital resource
SEND Local Offer Solutions
The Children and Families Act (2014) places a statutory duty on local authorities to publish a Local Offer website – a guide to all the services in their area for children and young people (aged 0-25) with SEND. This online resource offers information about the services available to families, children and young people within the local area. Developed in consultation with parents, professionals and young people themselves, the website is a vital resource offered by Family Information Service teams across the country.
Many of the SEND-related service providers required for the Local Offer –early years, schools, support and community groups – will already exist in the council’s directory. Our solution can seamlessly populate a specific Local Offer website, leveraging existing information to drive efficient information management and provide a simple, consistent and intuitive message for children, young people and their families.
Key benefits of SEND Local Offer solutions
Efficient information management
Leverage existing information that already sits with each council’s directory to populate the Local Offer website
Module incorporates pre-existing directory data
Integrate the Local Offer website with existing council directories and websites
A dedicated and branded channel
Create a distinct area of the council website – easily recognisable and accessible with a tailored look and feel
Interactive wellbeing tools
Our solution can categorise and format information in a way that helps parents, families and young people to find more targeted and personalised information quickly and simply
Easily update and maintain service information
The Local Offer is a live resource which can continue to be developed through ongoing engagement with parents/carers, children, young people, professionals and practitioners
Multi-device and multi-platform compatibility
Our solution supports tablet and smartphone use with mobile responsive capability to ensure users can easily navigate the site and quickly arrive at the tailored and personalised information they need
“I do really like this system and think it is a massive step forward in general.”
“The EHC Hub has been invaluable during the pandemic and has allowed the SEND Service, parents/carers, educational establishments and partners from across education, health and care to continue to be able to conduct EHC needs assessments and annual reviews whilst working remotely.”
“It was much easier to read the request for assessment information”
News, case studies & insights
Highlights and Insights at the EHC Hub Customer Forum
Highlights and Insights at the EHC Hub Customer Forum
Reading Borough Council
Reading Borough Council
SEND reforms: the power of digitisation
SEND reforms: the power of digitisation